Procacciatore d'affari

Michael A.

flag Tel Aviv, Israel
Settore di attività
Immobili, transazioni, vendite e servizi
Prodotti informatici, High Tech e Software

Telco in EMEA - Tier one customers / Distributors are my network in West and East Africa and represent high business potential considering the high develoment rate of Telco industry, whether in the fixe/Internet or mobile market and penetration rate amoung the constantly growing population.
Having worked in Israel for telco manufacturer, my network represent also sourcing for products and services in the telco arena.

Mobile / Internet project Director - International Telco Sales in EMEA Region - Catering services company co-founder

English, Français  
Studi superiori tecnici o professionali  
Lavoratore autonomo  
  • Telecommunications services
  • Real estate services
  • Advertising and market research services
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