Procacciatore d'affari

Jerome A.

flag Cracovie, Poland
Settore di attività
Immobili, transazioni, vendite e servizi
Industrie dei beni di lusso
Marketing diretto e Call center
Pubblicità, Oggettistica, Regali, Cartoleria
Vini, Superalcolici, Champagne e Alcool

After having been a lawyer for more than 15 years, I changed sectors of activity. I have kept a sense of negotiation, legal and technical skills, a precise knowledge of certain fields and negotiations with high stakes, as well as a certain network. I have lived in Poland for 6 years now, speak the language and think I have a certain mastery and understanding of the country and its different markets. I also have some knowledge about all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Consultant for various start-ups in various fields such as calorie-free organic drinks, dating sites, tooth whitening cosmetics, co-working, hotel/tourist rental, marketing and adult entertainment.

Law degree with specialities in business law, procedure and litigation, but also competence in criminal business law.
I speak French, English, Polish

Find companies interested in expanding in Poland or Eastern Europe(Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania ...). Develop my network and my skills.

English, Français  
Studi superiori (università...)  
Lavoratore autonomo  
  • Other non alcoholic beverages
  • Beverages
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